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Life at UWC


"Joining UWC Adriatic is one of the greatest opportunities I have ever had. It has majorly contributed in expanding my perspectives and views. It has been a challenge both academically and socially, one that has made me realise my flaws and work on improving them."

- Michael, a second year in UWC Adriatic, in Duino, Italy.


"Joining UWC USA has been a huge factor in shaping my identity and my pride of it. It inspired me to the whole world about my home, how cosy and warm it is. It expanded my horizons and made me realise that the world is much bigger than my own circle, that everyone comes with an individual identity that must be respected, and that the true essence and gift of my time there is the friends and family I have made. UWC has accepted my, and in return, I have accepted the entire world, and when it all comes to an end, I know that I am a part of a small community that will change the world one day."

- Ahmed, a second year in UWC USA, in New Mexico, USA.



"Joining UWC for me is one of the greatest opportunities that I have been presented with. The space I have here to actually learn something, experience new things, and truly express myself with no limits is what makes it so. Living with people from all around the world has changed my perspective on many things and made me more aware of things that I have been ignorant of beforehand."

-Yara, a second year in UWC Atlantic College, in Wales, UK.